Logo of Sweep
Update the banner on the landing page from our github url to our soc2 reportwwzeng1/landing-page#363

> > >

✓ Completed in 7 minutes, 3 months ago using GPT-4  •   Book a call  •   Report a bug



Changed src/components/CallToAction.tsx in c841e30    

58 colorScheme={"purple"}58 colorScheme={"purple"}
59 bg={"purple.400"}59 bg={"purple.400"}
60 _hover={{ bg: "purple.600" }}60 _hover={{ bg: "purple.600" }}
61 onClick={() => window.open("https://github.com/apps/sweep-ai")}61 onClick={() => window.open("https://docs.sweep.dev/blogs/soc2")}
62 fontSize={"xl"}62 fontSize={"xl"}
63 mb="1rem !important"63 mb="1rem !important"
64 >64 >
65 <FaGithub />&nbsp;&nbsp;Install Sweep65 View SOC2 Report
66 </Button>66 </Button>
67 <ExternalLinkWithText67 <ExternalLinkWithText
68 href="https://discord.gg/sweep-ai" // updated link68 href="https://discord.gg/sweep-ai" // updated link
  • Locate the <Button> element that currently has an onClick event handler with the action to open the GitHub URL ("https://github.com/apps/sweep-ai").
  • Replace the GitHub URL in the onClick event handler with the SOC2 report URL ("https://docs.sweep.dev/blogs/soc2").
  • Update the text within the <Button> element from "Install Sweep" to "View SOC2 Report" to reflect the new action of the button.
  • Optionally, update the icon next to the button text from <FaGithub /> to a more appropriate icon if available, or remove the icon if no suitable replacement is found. This step is to ensure the icon matches the context of viewing a SOC2 report rather than installing a GitHub app.
  Run GitHub Actions forsrc/components/CallToAction.tsx 


This is based on the results of the Planning step. The plan may expand from failed GitHub Actions runs.

Code Snippets Found

This is based on the results of the Searching step.

1import {
2  ChakraProvider,
3  Box,
4  extendTheme,
5  useColorMode,
6  ThemeConfig,
7} from "@chakra-ui/react";
8import CallToAction from "./components/CallToAction";
9import { Helmet } from "react-helmet";
10import Navbar from "./components/Navbar";
11import ogimage from "./assets/ogimage.png";
12import { ColorModeSwitcher } from "./ColorModeSwitcher";
13import { useEffect } from "react";
14import Testimonials from "./components/Testimonials";
15import Users from "./components/Users";
17import circles from "./assets/circles.svg";
18import Features from "./components/Features";
19import Conclusion from "./components/Conclusion";
21const config: ThemeConfig = {
22  initialColorMode: "dark",
23  useSystemColorMode: false,
26const theme = extendTheme({ config });
28function ForceDarkMode(props: { children: JSX.Element }) {
29  const { colorMode, toggleColorMode } = useColorMode();
31  useEffect(() => {
32    if (colorMode === "dark") return;
33    toggleColorMode();
34  }, [colorMode, toggleColorMode]);
36  return props.children;
39export const App = () => {
40  return (
41    <>
42      <Helmet>
43        <meta property="og:image" content={ogimage} />
44      </Helmet>
45      <ChakraProvider theme={theme}>
46        <ForceDarkMode>
47          <Box
48            textAlign="center"
49            fontSize="xl"
50            bgColor="#0d0a1a"
51            bgImage={circles}
52            bgPos="0 0"
53            bgSize="100%"
54            minH="100vh"
55            bgRepeat="no-repeat"
56            overflowX="hidden"
57          >
58            {false && <ColorModeSwitcher />}
59            <Navbar />
60            <CallToAction />
61            <Users />
62            <Features />
63            <Testimonials />
64            <Conclusion />
65          </Box>
66        </ForceDarkMode>
67      </ChakraProvider>
68    </>
69  );
1import { EmailIcon, HamburgerIcon } from "@chakra-ui/icons";
2import {
3  Box,
4  Button,
5  ButtonGroup,
6  Flex,
7  HStack,
8  IconButton,
9  Image,
10  Menu,
11  MenuButton,
12  MenuItem,
13  MenuList,
14  useBreakpointValue,
15} from "@chakra-ui/react";
16import { FaBook, FaDiscord, FaGithub, FaTwitter } from "react-icons/fa";
17import logo from "../assets/icon.png";
19export default function NavBar() {
21  const listDisplay = useBreakpointValue({ base: "none", lg: "flex" });
22  const menuDisplay = useBreakpointValue({ base: "flex", lg: "none" });
23  const navItems = [
24    {
25      label: "Twitter",
26      icon: <FaTwitter />,
27      link: "https://twitter.com/sweep__ai",
28    },
29    {
30      label: "Github",
31      icon: <FaGithub />,
32      link: "https://github.com/sweepai",
33    },
34    {
35      label: "Discord",
36      icon: <FaDiscord />,
37      link: "https://discord.gg/sweep-ai",
38    },
39    {
40      label: "Docs",
41      icon: <FaBook />,
42      link: "https://docs.sweep.dev/start",
43    },
44    {
45      label: "Email",
46      icon: <EmailIcon />,
47      link: "mailto:team@sweep.dev",
48    },
49    {
50      label: "Buy Sweep Pro",
51      icon: <p>Buy Sweep Pro</p>,
52      link: "https://buy.stripe.com/fZe03512h99u0AE6os",
53    },
54  ];
56  return (
57    <Box as="nav" bg="bg-surface" boxShadow="sm" width="full" p={4}>
58      <HStack spacing="10" justify="space-between">
59        <Flex justify="space-between" flex="1">
60          <HStack>
61            <Button variant="ghost">
62              <Image src={logo} alt="logo" width={10} borderRadius={12} />
63              Sweep AI
64            </Button>
65          </HStack>
66          <ButtonGroup variant="link" display={listDisplay}>
67            {navItems.map((item) => (
68              <IconButton
69                key={item.label}
70                icon={item.icon}
71                variant="ghost"
72                aria-label={item.label}
73                onClick={() => {
74                  window.open(item.link, "_blank");
75                }}
76                px={2}
77              />
78            ))}
79          </ButtonGroup>
80          <Menu>
81            <IconButton
82              key={"Sweep Pro"}
83              icon={<p>Sweep Pro</p>}
84              variant="ghost"
85              aria-label={"Sweep Pro"}
86              onClick={() => {
87                window.open("https://buy.stripe.com/fZe03512h99u0AE6os", "_blank");
88              }}
89              px={2}
90              display={menuDisplay}
91            />
92            <MenuButton
93              as={IconButton}
94              aria-label='Options'
95              icon={<HamburgerIcon />}
96              variant='outline'
97              display={menuDisplay}
98            />
99            <MenuList
100              backgroundColor="#333"
101            >
102              {navItems.map((item) => (
103                <MenuItem backgroundColor="#333">
104                  {item.label}
105                  {
106                    item.label !== "Buy Sweep Pro" &&
107                    <IconButton
108                      key={item.label}
109                      icon={item.icon}
110                      variant="ghost"
111                      aria-label={item.label}
112                      onClick={() => {
113                        window.open(item.link, "_blank");
114                      }}
115                    />
116                  }
117                </MenuItem>
118              ))}
119            </MenuList>
120          </Menu>
121        </Flex>
122      </HStack>
123    </Box>
124  );
1import {
2  Flex,
3  Container,
4  Heading,
5  Stack,
6  Text,
7  Button,
8} from "@chakra-ui/react";
9import { ArrowForwardIcon } from "@chakra-ui/icons";
10// @ts-ignore
11// import { Terminal } from "react-window-ui";
12import { FaDiscord, FaGithub } from "react-icons/fa";
14import logo from "../assets/icon.png";
15import ExternalLinkWithText from "./ExternalLinkWithText";
16const demo = require("../assets/demo.mp4");
18export default function CallToAction() {
19  return (
20    <Container maxW={"5xl"}>
21      <Stack
22        textAlign={"center"}
23        align={"center"}
24        spacing={{ base: 8, md: 10 }}
25        py={{ base: 4, md: 15 }}
26        style={{ paddingTop: "0 !important" }}
27        mb={36}
28      >
29        <img src={logo} alt="Logo" width={120} height={120} style={{
30          animation: "bob 0.75s ease-in-out infinite alternate",
31        }} />
32        <style>
33          {`
34            @keyframes bob {
35              from {
36                transform: translateY(0);
37              }
38              to {
39                transform: translateY(15px);
40              }
41            }
42          `}
43        </style>
44        <Heading
45          fontWeight={600}
46          fontSize={{ base: "3xl", sm: "4xl", md: "6xl" }}
47          lineHeight={"110%"}
48        >
49          <del>Develop</del>
50          <ArrowForwardIcon />Review Code
51        </Heading>
52        <Text color={"green.400"} maxW={"3xl"} mt="1rem !important" mb="1rem !important">
53          Spend time reviewing code generated by AI, not writing it
54        </Text>
55        <Button
56          color="white"
57          p={6}
58          colorScheme={"purple"}
59          bg={"purple.400"}
60          _hover={{ bg: "purple.600" }}
61          onClick={() => window.open("https://github.com/apps/sweep-ai")}
62          fontSize={"xl"}
63          mb="1rem !important"
64        >
65          <FaGithub />&nbsp;&nbsp;Install Sweep
66        </Button>
67        <ExternalLinkWithText
68          href="https://discord.gg/sweep-ai" // updated link
69          color="orange.400"
70          mt="0 !important"
71          style={{
72            display: "flex",
73            flexDirection: "row",
74            alignItems: "center",
75          }}
76        >
77          <FaDiscord />&nbsp;&nbsp;Join our Discord
78        </ExternalLinkWithText>
79        <Flex w={"full"} mt="4rem !important">
80          <Container width="100vw" boxShadow="0 0 80px #181818" p={0} maxWidth="full">
81            <video src={demo} autoPlay muted loop playsInline>
82              Your browser does not support the video tag.
83            </video>
84          </Container>
85        </Flex>
86      </Stack>
87    </Container>
88  );